Vita |
Information concentrates on a few facts and does not repeat the CIAM Record (next page) and the list of built models. - I am married and have one son. |
1941 |
Born in Obernkirchen, a small town in Lower Saxony, Germany. Despite the Nazi regime and WW II life seemed to be comfortable and peaceful: Grandpa led a big factory. Parents were Protestants. |

 1965 Athletics with USC Mainz

 2005 Bronze Badge of Honour of the DAeC presented by Klaus Böckmann (“Silver” followed in 2011)
 2014 Gold Medal of the Aeroclub Serbia for introducing the F1E class in Serbia and successfully negotiating to open the big Belgrade Exhibition Hall for six international F1D Championships - presented here by CIAM delegate Srdjan Pelagic in 2015 |
1952 |
Paper swallows and carton bombers refused to fly properly. A book, printed in Switzerland, informed about basic aerodynamics and building techniques of semi scale paper gliders. Within the following years a white 1:50 Luftwaffe had been built, without engines, however, and of short, but peaceful life span. |
1954 |
Athletics began to fill the afternoons. For 30 years it became a constant source of vitality, with countless successes and defeats. 1984 I competed the last time on national level. One year later I stopped jumping and sprinting in favour of a daily jogging path in the morning. |
1955 - 1959 |
Aeromodelling gathered my interests. First "big" glider was a small classic style ETB 15 (spruce and plywood). Models made of balsa were easier to build and flew better; they were mainly designed by Karl-Heinz Denzin and stars of its own: Wega, Sirius, Helios. An A1-original named "Apollo" flew better than expected. It was the first step into a world of imagination. Think of a model - and build it accordingly! |
1960 |
I got my school leaving certificate without having any idea about further studies and profession. For some personal reasons I finally studied theology. |
1967 |
The university was followed by a further education period and a second examination in 1969. But instead of serving a parish I signed a contract to become press officer of the protestant student's community in Germany. |
1972 |
I started a new career with Unilever, the Anglo-Dutch consumer goods conglomerate, with the German headquarters in Hamburg. For 27 years I was employed as an editor of house magazines. |
1991 |
The employees of the German Unilever Holding elected me into the works council, and the council made me its chairman. Employees and council re-elected me twice. |
1995 |
A new task emerged for the part time assignment I held during the commitment to the works council. Research of Unilever's history became my main field of work for more than ten years. |
1999 |
I was granted an early retirement scheme, left Unilever as an employee, founded an own company and continued to publish on demand and provide expert's advice. The new freedom left time to engage in model flying organisation. It turned out that having been in the chair over hundreds of works council meetings was a useful experience to lead even the most controversial aeromodelling committee. |
 2000 The "Golden Sense" from the hand of "Thermiksense"-Chef Dr. Berhard Schwendemann for Frank Seja and me for developing and reporting on free flight models for beginners |
 2002 Fachausschuss Freiflug– details with Ansgar Nüttgens |
2006 |
Work with industrial history was almost finished. With the editors of Flugmodell + Technik a series of articles had been agreed. |
2008/ 2009 |
Within two years 28 articles have been published; seven of them appeared in the German magazine "Aufwind". |